Category Archives: Live For Christ

Taking a Stand

My maternal grandparents are both in their 70’s. I remember going to their church when I was younger. They have always gone to the same Presbyterian church for as long as I can remember. I remember calling it an “old people church.” Most of the people who attended the church all seemed to be elderly people. The only time there were any kids there was during the summer when tourists came. Even then, all the kids seemed to be younger than me. Let’s just say that I never really enjoyed attending my grandparents’ church.

I don’t ever recall a time when my grandparents spoke much about being Christians. I always knew that they were, but they never talked about it like my family did. The one thing I remember was praying at meal times. My grandpa always said the same Swedish prayer unless he asked my Dad to pray. I have the words memorized from years of saying the same thing: “Come Lord Jesus, be our guest. May this food to us be blessed. We thank you, Amen.” A short and simple prayer that my Grandpa always led us in, speaking in his deep, gruff voice. Other than that, my grandparents said a few things that pointed to Christ, but not all that many. Their Bibles were always near and the books that filled their shelves are indeeed great Christian books. Reflecting on thoughts of the past, I think that perhaps I just wasn’t used to the way my grandparents displayed their faith. Growing up and still living now as a Children’s Pastor’s daughter, I am used to hearing about Christ and all things church related.

With the Presbyterian Church of the United States of America’s adoption of Amendment 10a, my grandparents sent a letter to their church, resigning their membership that became effective on June 30, 2011.  My grandparents loved their church and said in their letter that they have been members of the same church for over twenty years.

The Presbyterian Church of the United States of America, or PC USA, adopted amendment 10a in 2010. This new amendment re-worded their clause about leaders in the church. This opened the door for the ordination of homosexual ministers, elders and deacons, and other positions in church leadership.

There is NO DOUBT in my mind that homosexuals should NOT be allowed to even be members in a church. Homosexuals are living in sin. Some may argue that other people live in sin as well, but gay people who claim to be Christians should KNOW that what they are doing is wrong. My grandpa wrote a good passage to help his church understand his reasons behind not agreeing with the new amendment:

“Homosexual lifestyles are against the Scriptures. (1 Corinthians 6, 9-10/Romans 1, 26-27 and many others) We cannot adopt parts of the Bible and ignore others parts. The Bible was written by men inspired by God. How much inspiration was from God on amendment 10A? Having compassion for gays is right. If this compassion cause us to exclude parts of the Bible then it is dead wrong! A better approach to this issue would be to try to change the gays’ lifestyle by winning them to Christ, not condoning their actions and giving them leadership roles in the church!”

My grandpa typed out his letter to his former church with my grandma’s help. They are now looking for a new church with my Dad’s help. They have visited five or six so far and are looking forward to attending a Southern Baptist church.

When my Dad told my family about my grandparents, I was ecstatic. I felt a wave of pride in what my grandparents had done. I know that it was very hard for them to make their decision. Leaving their church was probably very sad and painful. At the same time I was very excited for them, knowing that they had made the right choice! Instead of remaining on the sidelines of this issue, they faced it head on, even meeting with their senior pastor. Knowing that their church planned to stay in PC USA, my grandparents could have just gone with the flow and accepted what their church had accepted. Instead, they stood up for what is right and left their church. Knowing what my grandparents went through, my respect for them has doubled from what it was before. I love them dearly and am still proud to this moment of their stand of faith. It was the right thing to do.

There are so many churches today that have been corrupted through the years. My grandpa captured in words what is happening today in churches:

“In these days of continuous cultural change, we believe many churches are losing the battle. They are allowing the people to change the church and not the church to change the people.”

A church is a family of believers. Still, you shouldn’t readily accept anything and everything that your church throws at you. A church is made up of people, and we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Sometimes church doctrine needs to be questioned, thought through, and explained. The most important thing is to compare everything to Scripture, just like my grandparents did. The Bible is truth.

“Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron” -1 Timothy 4:1-2 NKJV-

“Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” -2 Timothy 4:2-5 NKJV-

-Written By: AidanCale-

-Edited By: EmilyIris-

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Filed under Live For Christ

That Old Book

Yesterday I had the privilege of going to an amazing church in Sanford, Florida. Saint Andrew’s is a gorgeous church where Dr. R. C. Sproul is the senior pastor. Unfortunately, he didn’t speak while I was there, but the associate minister was great as well.
During some of the music played in the church, I could almost feel the people’s hearts respond to it. Other songs I found beautiful, but they didn’t capture my attention for all that long. I suppose that is just a bit of today’s cutlure showing through me. Anyway, during one of the “less interesting” songs I let my eyes wander around the room. I started looking up at the ceiling, gazing at all the architecture put into this one chapel. I stared at the stained glass windows all around, knowing that each one had a purpose for being in the church. Then I started to notice the people around me. Some people were dressed like people normally are around Florida with tropical-looking clothes, while others looked as if they had dressed in their best, just like they did every Sunday. It was then that I noticed a woman two rows ahead of where my family and I were sitting. In her hands she gently held an old Bible. Then I started to write and everything kept going from there. I hope you enjoy this poem:

That Old Book

Faded pages, falling apart at the spine,

 This book looks decades old.

Picked up by some,

Cast aside by others,

Only few see its true beauty.

Words sprawled in the margins,

There someone has written their heart.

Flipping the gently torn pages,

Someone prayed through this book.

Tear spots mixed with coffee stains,

The most heartfelt pages are marked.

Underlined passages and highlighted phrases,

These words truly had meant something to someone.

The worn and broken shape of the book,

Shows that someone had cared for it.

Instead of being cast aside on a shelf,

This book was used for many years, days, and nights.

A beautiful picture,

A heartfelt artifact,

A well-worn Bible.

-Written by: AidanCale-

-Edited by: EmilyIris-

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Filed under Inspired By God, Live For Christ, My Day, Poetry, Random Thoughts

NOW is the Time

There are so many things and concepts that I simply don’t understand. Some things that people believe seem unbelievable to me. They don’t make sense logically, and don’t even make sense in my wildest imaginations. Sometimes it is even hard for me to wrap my mind around how people don’t understand when they are presented with the gospel. Being a Christian from an early age, I tend to forget how blessed I am to know the truth. I can’t seem to wrap my mind around how some people don’t have the same opportunities as me.

People who claim that truth doesn’t exist REALLY don’t make any sense to me. By saying that there is no truth, they are making a truth statement, making it obvious that truth DOES exist. Yet the people who are supposedly amazing “thinkers” with thoughts that exceed the average persons’ STILL hold on to believing that truth doesn’t exist or isn’t attainable. The truth is RIGHT in front of their face and they don’t recognize it. To me, it seems that they are almost too lazy to search for truth. Truth and falsehood are always mixed together, and are EVERYWHERE. Instead of trying to determine right from wrong, these people simply claim that you CAN’T figure it out. The people who are supposed to be smart, advanced thinkers are admitting they don’t have all the answers! No one seems to notice this though! People accept these crazy ideas and fall prey to deception. I don’t understand why or how someone could believe, or even claim, an idea as crazy and nonsensical as truth not existing!

Recently, God has been showing me more and more that I am called to missions. I firmly believe that God will use me to advance his kingdom in some way or another. I may end up serving as a missionary overseas. I may work for a missionary organization, while still living in the United States. Perhaps God will even use me in the church. Maybe I will live in the States and be married to a pastor. In my life right now, I KNOW that I am called to missions. God hasn’t revealed anymore detail to me about my life other than this fact. It has also been put on my heart that I may not know more until I am married. It seems to me that God will use me as he uses my future husband. One “non-negotiable” that I look for in my future spouse is a heart for missions and a love for serving. Recently God has put on my heart a question that I continually have been asking myself: What am I doing NOW to prepare for my life LATER?

My highschool pastor said that what I do in my first few weeks of college could very well determine my entire college experience. I believe that this concept also is applicable to my life NOW. The habits and commitments I make NOW and KEEP will continue on over the course of my life. As a teenager, the time to change and grow is NOW. My last few months of highschool should be spent falling in love with Jesus Christ all over again, studying his Word, and praying with earnest, everlasting hope. If I allow myself to remain dry and leave my spiritual life in a desert, it will probably follow me into college. With a firm foundation, but weak building materials, my roof could potentially collapse on me during college.

I am acting and thinking just like the people who claim that there is no truth. I know the truth, just like the crazy people who are logically incorrect. The difference is that I know THE truth. Those people know that there IS truth, but won’t admit it, so they don’t have to search for it. I KNOW the truth, but just like them, I won’t act on it. I don’t read my Bible everyday. I don’t pray like I really, truly should. I don’t focus on eternal things, but rather I’m caught in my daily routine. Instead of offering my body to Christ as a living sacrifice, as a temple for him, I’m doing my own thing. Instead of preparing myself for the future that God has in store for me, I’m sitting still and wondering how he could possibly use me. Instead of giving Him control of my life, I’ve stuck myself in a trance and am simply moving and breathing. Instead of praying for my friends, family, and missionaries around the world, I’m worrying about who I may marry someday. WHY am I doing this? WHAT good is it doing? Absolutely NONE.

I’m the builder who, instead of actually getting up and laying down bricks, has completed my foundation and is lying down on it. Instead of working hard to get the job done, I’m imagining how wonderful it will be when my house is complete. The house isn’t going to build itself! I need to be doing something! NOW is the time! I don’t even have a moment to lose! I SHOULD be studying the Bible, God’s living word! I SHOULD be praying as if it were my last day on earth! I SHOULD be living my life for the One who gave it to me in the first place! When will I begin doing what I should have been all along? TODAY is the day! There very well may be no tommorrow for all I know!

“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.” -James 1:22-25-

“Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”” -1 Peter 1:13-16-

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” -Matthew 6:33-34-

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” – Ephesians 6:18-

-Written By: AidanCale-

-Edited By: EmilyIris-

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Filed under Inspired By God, Live For Christ, My Day

My Future

After an amazing weekend at a conference, on the way home I wrote this poem with new thoughts of the future swirling through my head…

My Future

Choices, Relationships, Mindset,

Should I wake up now,

Or hit the snooze another time?

Choices, Relationships, Mindset,

Should I take the intiative,

To introduce myself to him and her?

Choices, Relationships, Mindset,

Should I live solely for me,

Or make Christ my foundation?

Passions, Purpose, Eternity,

Will I seek the material world,

Or live with a holy passion?

Passions, Purpose, Eternity,

Will I pray for guidance,

So I can better fulfill God’s purpose?

Passions, Purpose, Eternity,

Will I impact the world,

In a way greater than I can imagine?

Will I help with mission work,

Or marry a man with a heart for missions?

In the end of my life,

I want to be able to say,

That I answered God’s call.

-Written and Edited By: AidanCale-

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Filed under Live For Christ, My Day, Poetry, Random Thoughts

Passion, Purpose, Reason, and Eternity

I woke up this morning with a heavy heart. Last night at small groups my mind was blown thinking back to the time where only God existed. Since last night all I have been able to think about is eternity. All day I walked through everything I normally do, but I wasn’t really there. My mind wandered off to the future. Suddenly everything on earth felt unimportant. The only thing that seemed real to me, other than Christ and the hope of Heaven, was something that I’ve never had.

Lots of people have problems with worrying too much, but I have the worst problem with being anxious. I’m so excited for the future that I wish my life away hoping, dreaming, and wishfully thinking.

Yesterday I had this profound moment where I thought of this:

Life without Purpose is meaningless and Purpose without Passion doesn’t go anywhere.

Then I wrote this extremely early this morning:

Passion With Purpose

Life without an eternal Purpose is meaningless,

Purpose without Passion doesn’t go anywhere.

We have a life-changing, earth-shattering Purpose,

Where’s your strong Passion and raging fire?

My every thought and action happens for a reason,

I have reason to live and breathe for someone else.

My Creator wants an intimate relationship with me,

I kneel to pray to him and speak his Holy name.

He sent His son as the ultimate, true sacrifice,

Flint and steel, sparks flying, my Passion reignites.

Purpose without Passion doesn’t go anywhere,

But Passion with Purpose in the Lord can do all.

I am a very passionate person, and there are many things that I am incredibly passionate about. One thing that I am particularly passionate and incredibly anxious about is falling in love. I know that sounds incredibly girly and earthly, but I mean something different. I want to feel that deep connection between someone and myself. Love on earth is only a small picture of God’s love for me, and I desperately want to feel it.

All morning I thought of eternity and everything felt unimportant. Then as my head pounded from my mind being completely blown, I texted a friend to try and think about something else for awhile. As I texted him I fell into a daze of wishful thinking. It was all that I could possibly think about at the time. Thankfully he called me to check up on me and left me a message when I didn’t answer because he noticed that I was wishfully thinking so much. Once I heard his message I realized what I was doing. Why was I torturing myself so much? Being anxious about finding love doesn’t make it come any closer.

I managed to calm myself down by thinking about eternity again. I remained in a terribly somber and depressed mood until I went home and was told to clean my room. That was when I found this quote:

“A legacy isn’t optional. It’s impossible not to leave one. Everyday, every choice, every moment, you build your own legacy, little by little. This legacy is what you leave behind when you die, the inheritance you pass along to others… leaving a strong, God-glorifying spiritual legacy never happens by accident; it is never the path of least resistance. It is intentions, and begins with understanding how a spiritual legacy can be formed.”

As I thought about eternity, I completely forgot every reason of why I am even on the earth in the first place! I was reminded that there is a reason for everything when my family read a devotion together at dinner. This poem by Russell Kelfer really encouraged me and made me remember what I had forgot:

You Are Who You Are For a Reason…

You are who you are for a reason.
You’re part of an intricate plan.
You’re a precious and perfect unique design,
Called God’s special woman or man.

You look like you look for a reason.
Our God made no mistake.
He knit you together within the womb.
You’re just what He wanted to make.

The parents you had were the ones He chose,
And no matter how you may feel,
They were custom-designed with God’s plan in mind,
And they bear the Master’s seal.

No, that trauma you faced was not easy.
And God wept that it hurt you so;
But it was allowed to shape your heart
So that into His likeness you’d grow.

You are who you are for a reason,
You’ve been formed by the Master’s rod.
You are who you are, beloved,
Because there is a God!

It’s like all day I have been focusing on one puzzle piece, trying to fit it together with other pieces, but completely ignoring the big picture I was trying to create.

Our lives on earth are just the beginning, but there is a purpose for us being here. There is a reason for everything that happens; everything is not simply unimportant.

What I need to daily pray about is that I will have a Passion for Christ, remember my Purpose for living, learn to leave a Legacy, remember that everything happens for a Reason, and finally to remember to look towards Eternity in Heaven with the Lord.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” -Philippians 4:6-7-


“…He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.” -Ecclesiastes 3:11b-


“I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ and become one with him. I no longer count on my own righteousness through obeying the law; rather, I become righteous through faith in Christ. For God’s way of making us right with himself depends on faith. I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death, so that one way or another I will experience the resurrection from the dead!” -Philippians 3:7-11-


“…the Lord’s plans stand firm forever; his intentions can never be shaken.” -Psalms 33:11-

-Written By:AidanCale-

-Edited By:EmilyIris-

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Filed under Live For Christ, My Day, Random Thoughts

O Lord, Heal Me

I cried during the prayer at church today. A deacon from our church always prays before we pass around the offering plates. It’s strange to say, but his prayer was beautiful. His passion for Christ was evident.  He not only meant every word that he said, but you could almost feel his love and joy in Christ Jesus. His prayer was a lot longer than other people’s on other days, but no one seemed to care. He was only halfway through when I looked up at the cross hanging in the sanctuary and started crying. The way he spoke and the words he said reminded me of King David writing the Psalms.

My mind flooded with thoughts after he said “Amen.” Is my passion for Christ that evident? Do I sincerely pray and mean each and every word that I say? Will I ever meet a guy with that amount of passion for Christ?

Minutes before the prayer I felt terrible. I have been sick and tired all week. I felt completely drained, physically and emotionally. I was having trouble trying to sing during the service, so I prayed for strength and healing. I still don’t feel all that great, but after praying I felt a blanket of love and joy surrounding me.

O Lord, Heal Me

O Lord, heal me,

Physically I am sick and tired,

Emotionally I am drained.

O Lord, heal me,

My head incredibly hurts,

My heart can’t take much more.

O Lord, heal me,

My eyes can’t cry anymore,

My soul is getting weary.

O Lord, heal me,

My entire body aches,

My mind is heavy laden.

O Lord, heal me,

I need your healing touch,

I need your love and care.

O Lord, heal me,

I need strength and energy,

I need my passion for you.

O Lord, heal me this day.

After writing this I prayed to find a verse to go with it. I opened the Psalms and turned to chapter 71.

“In you, O LORD, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame. Rescue me and deliver me in your righteousness; turn your ear to me and save me. Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go; give the command to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress. Deliver me, O my God, from the hand of the wicked, from the grasp of evil and cruel men.” -Psalm 71:1-4-

-Written By: AidanCale-

-Edited By: EmilyIris-

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Filed under Live For Christ, My Day, Poetry

Guard My Heart

A few nights ago I was kneeling by my bed and praying, when the idea for this poem came through my prayer. Before I had a chance to write this poem, my family read Proverbs 4 at dinner the next day and it fit perfectly with my idea.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” -Proverbs 4:23-

Guard My Heart

Lord, I pray that you would guard my heart,

Not just today, or tomorrow, but forever.

My precious wellspring of life,

Is above all else, very important.

I pray that you would guard my heart so severely,

That only the right people can get to it.

I pray Lord, put my heart in all sorts of boxes,

With milli0ns and trillions of different keys.

Then scatter the keys in the oceans and rivers,

And place my heart safely in your church.

Guard my heart I pray, Dear Lord.

-Written By: AidanCale-

-Edited By: EmilyIris-

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Filed under Live For Christ, My Day, Poetry, Random Thoughts

Sisters in Christ

I was up late texting one of my best friends when I wrote this a couple of days ago:

Sisters in Christ

When you ask me what’s wrong,

I really don’t want to answer.

Then when I answer you vaguely,

I want you to keep asking.

It may take a while for me to get it all out,

But I promise to tell you what’s wrong.

I won’t just show you the surface,

I will share with you the weight on my heart.

Without you, I’m not sure what I would do,

How I could possibly vent all of my feelings out?

You help me choose right from wrong,

And show me back to the path of the Lord.

You are one of the best friends that I could ever have.

Thank you for your patience when you try to understand me.

I will always love you my sister in Christ,

If you ever need me, I will be there for you.

-Written by:AidanCale-

-Edited by:EmilyIris-

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Filed under Live For Christ, My Day, Poetry, Random Thoughts

Painted Masterpiece

I remember a couple years ago when I was forced to write poetry in my Creative Writing class. Back then I hated it; it was so hard! Now I love both reading and writing it! I feel the most inspiration to write poetry when it rains. It didn’t rain last night, but I felt so calm and happy that I ended up writing poetry anyway.

Painted Masterpiece

Everything has a purpose,

Everything happens for a reason.

It’s not just a matter of luck,

It’s not about “getting the guy.”

Life has purpose,

Life happens for a reason.

God didn’t introduce me to you,

Just to add to my Facebook friends.

Is this love? When will I know?

Are you part of God’s plan for my life?

Distance seems to be a problem,

But we truly are friends.

Why should I bother worrying,

When God’s plan is set in stone?

I am created in God’s image,

One of his many painted materpieces.

If you aren’t in the center with me,

I know that you are at least in the frame.

Last night I was talking to a friend when he sent me another poem. Here is a third poem by Ludashian Matteray:


Love is a heartbeat

The most human of emotions

When two become one

And their heartsongs harmonize

A symphony of feeling

A concert of shared understanding

And nothing more crushing

It only takes a pair of eyes to lock

Or a touch of the hand

Something so simple yet so complex

Like the beat of the heart

-Written By: AidanCale-

-Edited by: EmilyIris-

-Poetry By: AidanCale and Ludashian Matteray-

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Filed under Guest Blogger, Live For Christ, My Day, Poetry, Random Thoughts

Worshipping With My Voice

I love to sing. It doesn’t particularly matter what I am singing, because I still love it.

At my church I sing in the High School Worship Band. At my school I am a soprano in the High School Choir. I recently submitted an application form to try out for the school Worship Band. The last question that was asked on the application online was who are my musical inspirations. Once I read the question, I drew a blank. I like a wide variety of music but not anyone in particular. I didn’t want to leave it blank, so I asked my mom to help me answer it. She suggested that I put church, so I did. At the time I thought, yeah… sure. Sitting in church this morning, I realized how true it really was. My family and I sit in the traditional service at my church. I love to sing hymns.

During the Lord’s Supper, the choir sang a song called “There Is a Fountain.” It was absolutely gorgeous. There is no better music than a group of Christians worshipping the Lord with their whole hearts and voices. My eyes filled with tears as I listened.

Afterwards everyone stood up and we sang the hymn “When I Survey.” The words were up on the screen, but I sang from the bulletin. I love following the notes as I sing hymns. The idea of how music is written is beyond me. Hymns have the most beautiful lyrics. It amazes me how someone wrote it such a long time ago, and we still sing it today.

One of my passions is singing. It’s not that I’m the best at it, but I love worshipping my Heavenly Father with my voice.

-Written By: AidanCale-

-Edited By: EmilyIris-

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Filed under Live For Christ, My Day, Random Thoughts